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Friday, May 15, 2009

Inch Dumbbell History

This video clip contains the footage of Matt Bissonette and Joel Sward performing their famous Inch Dumbbell Farmer's Walks.

Unless you've tried to lift the Inch Dumbbell you just can't quite understand how huge these feats are.

The Inch weighs 172 lbs.

Its handle is 2 and 7/8 inches thick

It is made of cast iron.

Because it is all one unit, the instant the bells both leave the ground, they start to rotate and try to rip the inch out of your hand.

The Inch Dumbbell is evil and to overcome it you need to work hard and long, but lifting it for the first time is worth the investment.

I can't wait to lift two at the same time.

I can't wait to carry two over a distance.

I can't wait.

All the best in your training,


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