Here, Zach Ruffo goes over several advanced techniques, starting on the easier side and working toward more difficult hits.
Here, Zach Ruffo goes over several advanced techniques, starting on the easier side and working toward more difficult hits.
Here, Alan Kahn shows how to properly hit the speed bag from the side. Very nice!
Smitty just put together some brand new videos to show some of the techniques he discusses in his new product, Combat Core.
Exercise: Sandbag Loaders
Hanging from a pull-up bar the lifter will load a sandbag or medicine ball to a partner or onto a platform. This compound torso building exercise ties in the upper back and lats with the abdominals and hip flexors.
- compound movement incorporating many muscle groups
- support grip strength endurance
- a variety of trunk postures can be executed, not just linear flexion / extension movements
- controlling the extension (eccentric) phase of the movement creates a balance of the musculature surrounding the hip
Increase difficulty by increasing the weight in the sandbag, increasing the required loading height or by decreasing the rigidity of the implement (i.e. slosh ball or water keg).
Goody came to the house and trained recently and did very well. Read about it here: Cinderblock Hands.
Exercise: Reactive Rows
- improved transverse deceleration of the torso
- improved anti-rotation / bracing of the torso
- improved thoracic mobility
- improved upper body reactivity
- improved grip strength
-Increase weight of DB
-Remove stability points (hand and knee on bench) and perform free standing
Looking to start bending, but not sure where to start? Don't feel bad. It's hard to sort this stuff out sometimes.
Adam Glass has put together a nice progression of bending materials for the beginning bender at
Digg it HERE