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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Do You Want?

I had a pretty un-creative weekend.

I wanted to put together a few short blog posts both for here, the Diesel site, and for guest posts on other pages.

So I brainstormed during the Yankee's game, but I had like creative thinking block, I guess.

So, I am wondering what you all are looking for.

What are you guys unsure about?

What can I put together that you all might enjoy reading about here?

Is there a feat you're trying to perform?

Are you bored and want something new in your training but don't know how to get started?

Help me out. Post a comment below on something you would like covered or explained here that will help you out.

Thanks guys. All the best in your training.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rinderle - One Hand Axle Deadlift

Mike's back again. In the clip below, he hits 180 on the axle.

The Gripmas Carol is the next contest I am headed to on December 12th. The One Hand Axle Deadlift is one of the events. Looks like Mike is planning on going and he's planning on doing well in that event.

The Gripmas Carol will be held in Crooksville Ohio, about an hour drive from Columbus. I'm looking to help get as many people there as possible. If you are interested or have any questions on how to prepare, please leave a comment here.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mike Rinderle - Working Hard on the Axle

Mike Rinderle is not screwing around. After a few months of training and a couple of grip contests he knows what he needs to work on and he is setting out on a journey to bring his numbers up.

Below, he works on the Axle, hitting 270 for a set of 3.

Keep training hard Mike.
