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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Review of the Diesel Sled Manual

Check out this review of our ebook, The Ultimate Sled Dreagging Manual at Body by Long.


Video Bar

Hey everyone! Check out the video bar I just added to the right-hand side of my page. Pretty cool stuff! Click on a thumb nail and a small window will come up within which you will view the video.



Teemu Attempts the 3.5 Certification

Above, Teemu Ilvesniemi attempts the IronMind 3.5 Gripper Certification.

I have watched many videos of Teemu destroying 3.5 grippers with ease.

However, the one he tried above looked so darn wide! For him to leave a gap that big between the handles after attempting, tells me that it was a damn hard spring as well.

I don't know what happens with grippers after trying for certification - does the athlete send it back? - - does the athlete get to keep it? - but I would suggest Teemu tries to keep that one because it seems as though if he can work up to closing that 3.5, he will be able to close pretty much any 3.5, plus he'd be that much closer to closing a #4 under certification requirements.

Best of luck to you Teemu! You are an outstanding grip athlete!