Check out Smitty's latest entry on - the exercise of the week - SPIDERS. Click on the image to go to article:
Check out Smitty's latest entry on - the exercise of the week - SPIDERS. Click on the image to go to article:
Need some new grip exercises to work in the routine for your athletes? A real easy one is the Pinch Clean and Press.
Find out what plans Mike Hanley, RKC, has in store for you with this article featured on the site.
These exercises will help to throw a little severity into your training.If you are a fan of wrestling shoot interviews, then chekc this one out. It is getting a good review from a caller on
Ron Simmons Shoot Interview
In case you don't know, a shoot interview is where the wrestler speaks as a real person, instead of working the interview like a promo. Check it out!
Chad Kovach bends the Fat Bastard Barbell Co.'s Huge Bastard stock!
What's next for this beast?Steve MacDonald, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is America's Strongest Man and owns the world record for the heaviest atlas stone lift, 522 pounds. Unbelievable! And here is the video, supplied by Garrick Daft.
I just watched John Cena perform the F.U. on the 450 pound Great Kali. It was the second time he did it in 24 hours, as he also dropped the big man on his head last night at ECW One Night Stand. This was quite an impressive feat of legitimate strength.
It reminded me of when he performed it on the 500+ pound Big Show a while back. On a hunch, I went to and found it. It is one of the greatest legitimate feats of strength I have ever seen in a wrestling match.
Speed bag skunk breaks off another piece of gold in the shape of his speed bag tip #4!
Michael, from, gives advice on the proper way to breathe to increase proper oxygen suply to the blood stream and to prevent infection.