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Saturday, May 10, 2008

John Dennis - 500 lb Axle Deadlift

John Dennis showed up to the Williamsport PowerFest this past January and put forth an awesome showing. Now he is showing that not only does he have trememendous potential in the sport of Strongman, but he also has a big future in Grip. Here, he pulls an amazing 500 lbs on the 2" Axle Deadlift!


John, get to a qualifier, and get yourself into GGC 2008!


Thursday, May 08, 2008

Bending eBook Testimonial

I was pleased to get this message in my inbox today, regarding my Bending eBook, so I thought I would share it with you.

    "Passion. When we do something with passion, we will undoubtedly do it well. The Bending eBook is no different. You can tell Jedd Johnson put his best effort in to this manual. 188 pages of how to bend something?? You gotta be kidding me! But after you read this manual you will not only be armed with knowledge beyond your wildest expectations, but you will also have powerful tools at your disposal to take your grip strength profile to Herculean levels. Whether you are an elite powerlifter, an athlete, or just a person trying to get stronger, you will be doing yourself and your athletes a great disservice by not picking up a copy and implementing the contents of this book in to your program. This book truly achieves beyond potential."

    Patrick Hackley-Hough
    Oakton High School baseball strength and conditioning coach

You can check out the Bending eBook here.


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Superstar Billy Graham - What's he up to these days?

This is what the Superstar is up to these days - pushing for awareness about organ donation.

I just put up a new post at The Pro-Wrestling Pundit about the Superstar's book and DVD from WWE. Have a look now!


New Episode of Grip Strength Radio - GGC Events & Rules

The latest episode of Grip Strength Radio is here. In this show, I go over a quick spattering of the rules for the events for GGC, to be held on August 30, 2008: Grippers, Pinch, Axle Deadlift, Loading Medley and Reverse Style Bending.

Check this quick show out now and get the details you need to excel at GGC this year.

Click here to download the new episode.

Give it a Digg, HERE.