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Monday, December 08, 2008

This Week's S&F Newsletter

Just sent out this week's Strength and Fitness Newsletter. Have you seen the new design to the newsletter page and the rest of I think it looks great.

This week's newsletter includes:

Article: How to Train for Strength by Parth Shah
Article: Running - How, Where, Why, When by Girlwith Noname
Featured Video: EFS Underground Strength Sessions
Featured Site: The Unorthodox Method

This week's newsletter also includes a brand new section called Recommended. This week, we take a look at Linebacker Fitness from Vince Palko.

And there's more, including two great selections From the Archives:

Silence for Intense Workouts by Parth Shah
Blast from the Past: Tricking by Scott Bird

Sign up now so you don't miss the next one - it goes out each week!



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